Located in the Hamptons at the far end of Long Island, Madoo (Scots for "my dove") was the home of artist Robert Dash from 1969 until his death in 2013.

Today, under the care of the Madoo Conservancy, it’s “a magical oasis” with several historic buildings – including a barn built in the 1740s that Dash repurposed as his studio – set amid “an enchanting 2-acre landscape” that reflects Dash’s creative spirit and painterly eye.
Dash, we’re proud to say, was a customer of ours, and many of our heirloom bulbs still bloom in his gardens today, including three classic tulips that Madoo’s executive director Alejandro Saralegui mentioned recently in the Conservancy newsletter:
“Soon enough, the tulips that were planted throughout the garden will pop up. . . . “‘Princess Irene’ – with its orange bloom, smoky purple flames, and saffron-like scent – is in the large planters. ‘Kingsblood’ and ‘Bleu Aimable’ are in the quincunx beds.”
For a peek at Madoo’s gardens, see “A Trip to the Madoo Conservancy” or visit madoo.org.