One of our favorite garden writers and long-time-friend of Old House Gardens recently talked with Vanessa about our company, bulb history, and her suggestions for growing bulbs -ranging from chicken-wire through animal-resistant varieties- and has gathered them in a lovely article which you can read here. We’re especially glad she shares our appreciation for both our small growers and customers, saying “The growers that Old House Gardens buys from share the commitment to keeping historic varieties alive, an effort that is passed along with each order into the hands of gardeners, who become part of that preservation chain.”
There are some beautiful photos of varieties that may be already favorites of yours or may be just what you need for that spot that was empty last April! But don’t wait too long to order – we’ve been flooded by orders since the article came out.
If you are new to Margaret’s work, her website AWayToGarden.com has lots more good garden reading to enjoy when it’s too rainy or hot to be outdoors, and her first book And I Shall Have Some Peace There Trading in the Fast Lane for My Own Dirt Road, a memoir of leaving the corporate world for a country life, remains one of Amelia’s (our eagle-eye order checker and proof-reader) favorites.