For those of you new to heirloom bulbs, or those just looking for new ideas, we thought we’d share some of our favorite varieties in different categories customers often ask about.
Hummingbirds – ‘Atom’ glad (runners-up: all of our other glads)
Bees – ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ dahlia (runner-up: ‘Mrs. H. Brown’ dahlia)
Fragrance – Tuberoses (runners-up: ‘Gold Band’ lily and ‘Caprice’ iris)
Cut Flowers – ‘Amber Queen’ dahlia (runner-up: ‘Requiem’ dahlia)
Wildflower Grace – ‘George Davison’ crocosmia (runners-up: ‘Abyssinian’ glad and ‘Kindly Light’ daylily)
Big Flowers – ‘Kelvin Floodlight’ dahlia (runner-up: ‘Trader Horn’ gladiolus)
Growing in Pots – Rain lilies (runner-up: tuberoses; and see our helpful Bulbs in Pots page)
Interesting Foliage – ‘Ehemanii’ canna (runner-up: ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ dahlia)
Early Bloom – ‘Gold Dust’ daylily (runner-up: ‘Eleanor Roosevelt’ iris)
Drought-Resistance – ‘Coronation’ iris (runner-up: our other iris)
Iconic Beauty – ‘Germanica’ iris (runners-up: ‘Cafe au Lait’ and ‘Thomas Edison’ dahlia, ‘Peter Pears’ glad)