
Here Come the Fall Bulbs!

We’re happy to report that our many crates of sturdy tulips, daffodils, and other bulbs from Holland are on their ship crossing the Atlantic to us now. We expect them to arrive (by truck) here in Ann Arbor by the last week of September and we plan to begin shipping October 2, beginning with customers in extremely cold zones and then the customers who ordered last winter. If we have your order now, we expect to have it to you by the end of October, a perfect time for most gardeners to plant. But don’t worry – your bulbs will come with directions on when different varieties need to be planted and how best to store them if you can’t plant immediately.

Sometimes we’ll hear from customers who see that the big box stores already have fall bulbs for sale, and ask why we don't ship ours sooner. Mainly because it’s better for the bulbs. All bulbs have to mature and dry after harvesting, especially daffodils which need to lose over 20% of their weight in moisture – and this takes time. But big box stores want to sell as many bulbs as possible before they start ramping up for Halloween, so mainstream growers have been forced to ship bulbs before they’re ready. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t – and we don’t want to take that risk with our rare jewels.

We hope you understand, and thanks for your patience!