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Name Date Color Season Ht. Fragrant Zones Rarest, Etc.
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Auten’s Pride 1933 soft, lavender-tinted pink 32-34" fragrant 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
Brand’s Magnificent 1918 dark, purple-tinted red 34-38” 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
Coral Sunset 1965 coral peach to ivory mid 30-36” fragrant 3a-7b(8bWC) Rarest, New
Duchesse de Nemours 1856 white with a golden glow 34-38” richly 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
Edulis Superba 1824 deep, rosy pink 36-38” richly 3a-8a(9aWC) Back
Henry Sass 1948 pure white 32-36” fragrant 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
James R. Mann 1920 rosy pink to pink 34-36” 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
Minuet 1931 dreamy, apple-blossom pink 38-42” lightly 3a-7b(8bWC) Rarest, Back
Monsieur Jules Elie 1888 pink with silver 30-34” richly 3a-8a(8bWC)
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt 1932 soft, silvery pink mid 30-34” richly 3a-7b(8bWC) Back
Philippe Rivoire 1911 deep rose-red mid 30-32” richly 3a-8a(8bWC) Rarest, Back
Philomele 1861 amber to pink early-mid 30-32” richly 3a-7b(8bWC) Rarest, Back
Sword Dance 1933 brilliant red and gold mid 36” 3a-8a(9aWC) Back