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Name Date Latin Name Color Special Qualities Ht. Zones Rarest, Etc.
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Annette 1945 Hemerocallis yellow center, deep red red-headed with sunshine center 2’ 4a-8b(10bWC) Back
Apricot 1893 Hemerocallis orange-yellow the very first of 60,000 28-34” 4a-8b(10aWC) Rarest, Back
August Pioneer 1939 Hemerocallis apricot-orange longest bloomer 34-36” 4a-8b(9bWC)
Autumn Minaret 1951 Hemerocallis soft gold & chestnut tall, tall, TALL! 60-84” 4a-8b(10aWC) Rarest
Black Friar 1951 Hemerocallis vintage burgundy sun-proof colors 32-38” 4a-8b(10aWC) Back
Caballero 1941 Hemerocallis gold & rust Zorro’s favorite 36-40” 4a-8b(10bWC) Rarest
Challenger 1949 Hemerocallis rich brick-red 5 feet tall 48-72” 4a-8b(10bWC) Rarest, Back
Corky 1959 Hemerocallis yellow with bronze perky little flowers 34-36” 5a-8b(10bWC) Rarest, Back
Crimson Pirate 1951 Hemerocallis crimson! Nebraska-bred 30-32” 4a-8b(10aWC) Back
Kindly Light 1949 Hemerocallis lemon yellow curling, spidery petals 24-36” 4a-8b(10bWC) Back
lemon lily 1570 H. lilioasphodelus clean yellow true stock! 24-32” 3a-7a(9aWC) Rarest
Libby Finch 1949 Hemerocallis black cherry white lines make it pop 34-36” 4a-8a(10aWC) Rarest
Luteola 1900 Hemerocallis golden yellow Scott’s front yard favorite 28-32” 5a-8a(10aWC) Rarest
Luxury Lace 1959 Hemerocallis pale, melon pink Stout medal winner 32-36” 4a-8b(10bWC) Back
Mikado 1929 Hemerocallis mango & mahogany one of Stout’s first & favorite 30-36” 4a-8b(10aWC) Rarest
Ophir 1924 Hemerocallis golden yellow long & trumpet-shaped 38-46” 4a-8b(10aWC) Rarest
Princess Irene 1952 Hemerocallis vivid yellow-orange late & long-blooming 28-34" 4a-8a(10aWC) Back
Purple Waters 1942 Hemerocallis dark red 36” 4a-8b(10bWC) Rarest, Back
Rosalind 1941 H. fulva var. rosea ‘Rosalind’ rusty red very first red, from China 38-42” 4a-8a(10aWC) Rarest, Back
Yellowstone 1950 Hemerocallis moonlight-yellow fragrant, long-lasting blooms 3’ 4a-8b(9aWC) Back