More about ‘Little Beeswings’
‘Little Beeswings’ Earns Rave Reviews in South Carolina
‘Little Beeswings’ has been added to our list of dahlias that thrive in Southern heat, too, thanks to our good customer Miranda Hein of zone-8a North Augusta, SC. She writes: “I’m originally from Washington state and I LOVE my dahlias. I was advised not to grow them here, but couldn’t resist. The first year I planted ‘Little Beeswings’ and ‘Claire de Lune’ in my backyard, but they were not happy. So last year I put them on my back deck in whiskey barrel tubs, and they were beautiful! ‘Little Beeswings’ absolutely astounded me. It bloomed for ages, tons of flowers, and, let me tell you, my back deck faces south and is absolutely incinerated from sun-up till sundown. What an impressive little flower in every way!” (Mar. 2009)
‘Little Beeswings’ – Cute Dahlia, Great Song
Most gardens are rich with significance that may elude the uninitiated. Here’s an unusual example from our good customer Debra Knapke of Columbus, Ohio:
“Just had to write and tell how much I am enjoying ‘Little Beeswings’ dahlia. It gets a 9.5 on the cuteness scale. But I really bought it because “Beeswing” is the name of one of my favorite songs by Richard Thompson.”
When we admitted that we didn’t know who Thompson was, Deb obliged us with a link to both his “Beesweb” website at richardthompson-music.com/biography/ and the “Beeswing” lyrics.
“His voice is very distinct,” Deb says, “and the song is a haunting ode about a free spirit and a doomed relationship. Heavy!” (Aug. 2006)
Century-Old ‘Little Beeswings’ Stars at National Dahlia Show
Congratulations to the Snohomish County Dahlia Society of Washington on its 100th anniversary! To celebrate, they’re hosting the ADS National Show August 22-23 [2009] and — since our jazzy little pompon dahlia ‘Little Beeswings’ also turns 100 this year – they’ve devoted a special category in the show to it. Another category is devoted to ‘Kidd’s Climax’ which they’re calling the “Most Successful Foreign Dahlia of the Last 100 Years.” Plant both and join the celebration! (Mar. 2009)