
Vanessa’s Solutions for Bulb Problems in Garden Gate Magazine

Vanessa was interviewed recently for Garden Gate by Sherri Ribbey and shared some tips for success with fall bulbs. As noted there, even tough customers like heirlooms can run into trouble at times. It’s one of our favorite magazines, so pick up a copy if you don’t have a subscription, and in the meantime here are some of her tips:

Planting bulbs in mixed flower beds can cause them to rot, since they don’t like the regular watering that annuals and perennials need. She suggests using native perennials like coneflowers, switchgrass, and Amsonia since their deep tap roots mean that they don’t require much watering.

If squirrels tend to dig up your bulbs right after you plant them, try putting down some wire mesh or a piece of landscape fabric on top of the soil to discourage them. Remove it in late winter so that the leaves can emerge easily.

For deer, Vanessa puts a bulb crate over the new leaves as soon as they emerge in the spring. After they’ve grown to 4-6” tall she takes off the crate and uses a repellent spray - it will wash off in the rain, but often the deer have lost interest and found other plants to eat, hopefully not in the same garden!

For more tips, you can check out our website here.