Though preservation is our mission, bulbs drop out of our catalog every year.

Sometimes it’s because the harvest was too small. Sometimes it’s because they’re widely available elsewhere and don’t need our help. And sometimes it’s because we’ve lost our only known source due to severe weather (cold, drought, etc.), health problems (a debilitating stroke), or economic woes (small farmers are always at risk).

The good news is that, in time, we’re often able to return these bulbs to our catalog. So here’s a list of many we’ve offered in the past. For an alert the moment they’re available again, subscribe to our free email newsletter. Or to find a similar bulb, try our easy Advanced Bulb Search.

Fall-planted:     Crocus       Daffodils       Hyacinths       Lilies       Peonies       Tulips       Diverse

Spring-planted:     Cannas       Dahlias       Daylilies       Gladiolus       Iris       Diverse

Allium senescens var. glaucum,
corkscrew chives     1810

This cute little allium gets its name from its tufts of short, flat, blue-green leaves that are “curiously twisted like a corkscrew” (The Garden, 1875). In her 1936 Adventures with Hardy Bulbs, Louise Beebe Wilder praised not only its foliage but its “very decorative” buds and mauve flowers which open in late summer and look especially “nice in combination with Sedum sieboldii.” 6-10”, zones 4a-7b(8bWC), from Michigan. Last offered in 2010. Widely available elsewhere.

Allium moly,
golden garlic     1596

You can protect your home from witches with this ancient allium, or just enjoy its starry yellow umbels blooming with the first iris. It’s been a favorite in country gardens for centuries, and as Louise Beebe Wilder wrote, “Miss Jekyll admired and grew it, and that in itself is enough to give it a place in the best society.” Lily leek, yellow moly. 8-12”, zones 4a-7b. Last offered in 2006. Widely available elsewhere.

Anemone blanda ‘White Splendor’,
white Grecian windflower     1854

This white form of the wild, mostly blue original (see above) was introduced in 1950, won the RHS Award of Garden Merit in 1993, and, to quote Christopher Lloyd, is both “the strongest growing” and “dazzling.” Blooms and naturalizes best in bright shade, 5-8”, zones 5a-8a(9bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2023. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Camassia leichtlinii,
camassia, quamash     1853

The intrepid Lewis and Clark were awed by meadows full of this glorious Northwest native. It’s tall and easy to grow (though not for dry sites), with spikes of starry, blue-purple, late-spring flowers that bees love. 3 feet, zones 4a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2008. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Erythronium americanum,
trout lily, dog-tooth violet     1665

This rarely-offered native of our eastern woodlands is neither a violet nor a lily — nor any of the common European or West Coast hybrids — but it is exquisite. Its graceful yellow flowers nod above hauntingly beautiful leaves of milk-green dappled with brown, the inspiration for one of its many names, trout lily. One caveat, though: even our top-size bulbs may not bloom their first year, and though they’ll multiply eagerly, their offspring will take years to reach blooming-size. Aka adder’s tongue, amberbell, fawn lily, 7-10”, part shade, zones 3a-7b(8bWC), nursery-grown for us in Tennessee. Last offered in 2014. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Fritillaria imperialis ‘Aurora’,
Aurora crown imperial     1596

In 1629 Parkinson put this tall, dramatic flower on page 1 of his mammoth florilegium, noting that “for its stately beautifulness, [it] deserveth the first place.” Brought to America by the early colonists, they became so popular that by 1820 the Prince nursery of Long Island was offering 22 different kinds. Best in rich, very well-drained soil. 3-4 feet, zones 5a-7b(8bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2013. Widely available elsewhere.

Fritillaria persica,
Persian Fritillary     1582

Strange and stylish, this great fritillary has been in US gardens since at least 1830. Angular, dusky-purple bells cluster on 24-40 inch stems over wavy sage green leaves — very Japanesque. Give it full sun/part shade in rich, well-drained soil. Zones 5b-7b, from Holland. Last offered in 2003. Widely available elsewhere.

Fritillaria imperialis ‘Lutea’,
Yellow Crown Imperial     1665

Crown imperials are woefully under-appreciated today. Yellow ones like ‘Lutea’ grew in Williamsburg by 1739, and the Prince nursery of Long Island listed 22 different kinds in 1830. Their height is dramatic, their skunky smell soon fades (we actually like it), and our bulbs are big and superb. To get them to return, give them well-drained soil. 3-4 feet, zones 5a-7b. Holland. Last offered in 2002. Widely available elsewhere.

Atkinsii snowdrop     1869

“With unusually long petals that give it the look of a “pear-shaped pearl,” to quote bulb-connoisseur E.A. Bowles, this is one of the oldest named snowdrops – and still enormously popular. Naomi Slade in The Plant Lover’s Guide to Snowdrops calls it “bold, elegant, and one of my favorites,” as well as “an excellent choice for beginners” because it “grows like a weed.” It’s named for James Atkins of Gloucestershire who reportedly obtained it from the Kingdom of Naples. 6-8”, zones 4b-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2023. We offer a rotating selection of snowdrops. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Galanthus nivalis,
traditional snowdrop     1597

An icon of spring for centuries, this beloved woodland wildflower seems to be born from the melting snow. Its brave little bells ring in the spring well before crocus, animals leave it alone, and it multiplies without care in light shade. In other words, it’s a springtime essential! 5-6”, zones 3a-7a(8aWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2016. We may offer it again periodically. Last offered in 2016. We offer a rotating selection of snowdrops. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Galanthus woronowii,
Woronow’s snowdrop     1935

Native to northern Turkey and the Caucauses, this RHS award-winner was named to honor the Russian botanist and plant collector Yury Nikolaevich Voronov. Bright green foliage delights the eye in early spring, and the delicate dangling blossoms reveal green dots on their notched inner petals. Lovely in both sun and shade and naturalizes well! 5-8”, zones 4b-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2023. We offer a rotating selection of snowdrops. If you’d like to be notified the next time we offer this treasure, click here to sign up for an email alert.

Muscari botryoides,
original grape hyacinth     1576

For 400 years this was the grape hyacinth, but today it has all but disappeared from the bulb trade, shoved aside by the modern M. armeniacum. What a loss! It’s cold-hardier and — maybe best of all — bluer than armeniacum, much more vigorous than its wimpy white form ‘Album’, and its leaves are upright and blissfully sprawl-free. 6-8”, zones 3a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Last offered in 2012. Sadly this 400-year-old garden classic has gone “commercially extinct” in the Netherlands. We’re searching for another source, so please keep your fingers crossed!