Bulb sales for fall 2021 are SUSPENDED.
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Fall 2024 shipping is over. Thank you for a great season!
Order these fall-planted bulbs NOW for delivery in October.
WHY GROW ’EM? They’re diverse — and easy! Some thrive in light shade, some live for centuries, some are small enough to fit anywhere, and most increase happily with NO care.
WHAT’S HERE? Scroll down or click: alliums, anemones, bluebells, Byzantine glad, cyclamen, dog-tooth violet, Dutchman’s breeches, freesia, fritillaries, glory-of-the-snow, grape hyacinth, jack-in-the-pulpit, oxblood lily, Siberian squill, silver bells, snowdrops, snowflake, spider and surprise lilies, trillium, winter aconite.
TIPS, RAVES, & MORE — To learn more, check out our Newsletter Archives, Forcing Bulbs, Bulbs as Cut Flowers, and the Chart and Care links in our bulb descriptions.
Our most popular sampler! It’s an easy, money-saving introduction to the joys of antique bulbs. We’ll send you at least $35 worth of diverse, time-tested, fall-planted bulbs for just $30. They’ll all be labeled, great for your hardiness zone, and may include daffodils, lilies, hyacinths, tulips, crocus, and other treasures. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s a deal! Diverse Fall care.
Bees and butterflies love these lavender pompons blooming over tufts of neat green foliage. Although few alliums were popular until recently, German garlic is listed in E.S. Rand’s 1866 Bulbs and in 1900 Liberty Hyde Bailey called it one of just six “in general cultivation.” Drought-tolerant, 16-20 inches, zones 4a-7b(9bWC), from our Ann Arbor micro-farm. Chart and care.
In America’s first bulb catalog in 1820, William Prince listed just one allium: “purple-headed garlick.” Often called “drumsticks” today, this easy, deer-resistant perennial has 1-inch, egg-shaped flowerheads that start green, turn rose, and end up wine-red. Cool! 30-36”, zones 4a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
Cheap, easy to grow, and “one of the loveliest of flowers,” as Louise Beebe Wilder wrote in 1936, this woodland gem naturalizes happily in bright shade. Typically blue-flowered in the wild, it first appeared in American catalogs in the 1890s and grew in popularity with the rise of shade gardening in the 20th century. Light shade, 4-6”, zones 5a-8a(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
In early spring the woodland slopes of Wave Hill high above the Hudson are aglow with vast drifts of this sapphire-blue wildflower. Much more deeply-colored and a bit shorter than common glory-of-the-snow, it blooms at crocus time, naturalizes eagerly, and was awarded an RHS AGM as a plant so good it belongs in every garden. 4-6”, zones 4a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
We’re proud to deliver big bulbs, 3-4 inches across, of this early fall-blooming cyclamen that bulb-guru John Bryan calls “the first choice for most gardens.” Known as sowbread back in Shakespeare’s time, today it’s more often called ivy-leaved cyclamen because of its angular, silver-patterned leaves which, oddly enough, appear after the flowers. Give it light shade and humus-rich soil that’s dryish in summer. Aka C. neapolitanum, 4-6”, zones 6a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
One of our perennial bestsellers, this odd little bulb has nodding flowers of maroon and dusky rose (or occasionally white), and each is checkered! Grown since colonial days, it prefers light shade and cool, moist sites. We forgot to plant some until February one year and they still bloomed! Aka guinea-hen flower, 10-12”, zones 4a-7b(8bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
“With unusually long petals that give it the look of a “pear-shaped pearl,” to quote bulb-connoisseur E.A. Bowles, this is one of the oldest named snowdrops – and still enormously popular. Naomi Slade in The Plant Lover’s Guide to Snowdrops calls it “bold, elegant, and one of my favorites,” as well as “an excellent choice for beginners” because it “grows like a weed.” It’s named for James Atkins of Gloucestershire who reportedly obtained it from the Kingdom of Naples. 6-8”, zones 4b-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
If you like traditional snowdrops (and who doesn’t?), you’ll love G. elwesii. Don’t let the “giant” in its name put you off. It simply looks like an especially robust, well-grown G. nivalis and blooms even earlier. Animal-proof, 6-8”, more heat-tolerant than G. nivalis, zones 5a-8a(9aWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
Native to northern Turkey and the Caucauses, this RHS award-winner was named to honor the Russian botanist and plant collector Yury Nikolaevich Voronov. Bright green foliage delights the eye in early spring, and the delicate dangling blossoms reveal green dots on their notched inner petals. Lovely in both sun and shade and naturalizes well! 5-8”, zones 4b-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
Rugged and fool-proof, this easy classic thrives virtually everywhere. “The stately Spanish bluebell is found in all old Southern gardens,” Elizabeth Lawrence wrote, and it’s hardy north to zone 5, too (or even 3, some say!). ‘Excelsior’ dates back to 1906 and is the most vigorous and floriferous form. Aka wood hyacinth, squill, late spring blooming, 15-18”, zones 5a-8b(10bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
True stock of this legendary wildflower is all but impossible to get today (it crosses too freely with Spanish bluebells in the Dutch bulb fields), but ours come from a small nursery in Wales where it’s native and still 100% pure. With slender, arching, honey-scented blooms, it’s easy to see why it’s been so well-loved for so long – though please note that unless you live in a mild, moist climate, Spanish bluebells (above) are much easier to grow. 12-15”, zones 6a-7b(9bWC), from cool, green Wales. Chart, care, and learn more.
As easy to grow as the much more common blue forms, the white Spanish bluebell has been lighting up shady gardens for hundreds of years. In 1927 landscape architect Stephen Child recommended it for stylish white perennial borders, noting that it was “very attractive” in the Dutch garden at San Francisco’s Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Aka wood hyacinth, squill, late-spring blooming, 15-18”, zones 5a-8b(10bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
This striking form of Iris holandica (Dutch iris) lights up the garden in late May and June with rich purplish-blue blossoms highlighted by sunny yellow on the elegant falls. Reliably increases over time, but unlike bearded iris doesn’t need to be divided, forming lovely low-maintenance clusters. What could be better? 18-24”, zones 5b-9b(10bWC), from Holland. Chart.
With larger flowers and more vigorous than many other reticulated iris, ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ is a well-loved hybrid that blooms with the early crocus, has light blue and yellow blossoms overlaid with dark blue spots and stripes, and is sweetly fragrant! For best effect, plant in clusters so these 4-6” beauties catch the eye their first year; they’ll multiply in future years and can be transplanted after their leaves die back. Zones 5b-9b(10bWC), from Holland. Chart and learn more.
Animal-proof! Above leaves that look like a daffodil’s, clusters of white bells tipped with green dots dangle gracefully. Standing 18-24 inches tall, ‘Gravetye Giant’ is the hardiest, most floriferous snowflake, introduced in 1924 from Gravetye Manor (say GRAVE-tie), the home of William Robinson, “father of the English perennial border.” And even pocket gophers leave them alone! Aka snowdrops or dewdrops (especially in the South), zones 5a-9b, from Holland. Chart and care.
Dark, midnight-blue starch hyacinths or blue bottles have made themselves at home and multiplied without care in sunny gardens and shady lawns throughout the South for generations – and they do equally well up North! (If you’re looking for the original grape hyacinth, we’re sad to say it has recently gone “commercially extinct.”) From Holland, 6-10”, zones 5a-8b(9bWC). Chart and care.
We love these subtle, Quakerish bells of silver and sage that have been grown since colonial days. They thrive in light shade, bloom in late spring, and are much too rarely seen today. They’re cheap, too – so why not take a small leap and try a few? 8-12”, zones 5b-8b, from Holland. Chart and care.
Vast pools of this true blue wildflower spangle many old neighborhoods in very early spring, spreading without care in light shade, under shrubs and into lawns. Grown in America by 1830, its heyday was the early 1900s when one writer recommended planting “hundreds and thousands in every garden.” We’d be happy to help you with that! 4-6”, zones 3a-7b(9bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
“Perhaps the best of fall-flowering bulbs,” writes John Bryan in his encyclopedic Bulbs. Often called fall daffodils, sternbergia look more like big, lemon-yellow crocus. They do best in sunny sites that are dryish in summer and not too harsh in winter. (Learn more.) Though grown since colonial days and “once plentiful” according to Elizabeth Lawrence, by 1942 they were “so neglected they disappeared from all but a few” old gardens. Isn’t it time for a renaissance? 6-9”, zones 6a-9b(10bWC), from Holland. Chart and care.
Aka Indian turnip, this shade-loving favorite was offered in America’s first bulb catalog by William Prince of New York in 1820. It flourishes in moist woodlands from Maine to Minnesota and south to the Gulf, with entertaining green-and-brown striped flowers in spring and (when well-established) bright red berries in fall. 12-30”, zones 4a-8b(9bWC), dormant corms, nursery-grown for us in Tennessee.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
These curious little woodland wildflowers are native throughout eastern North America and the Columbia Basis and have been grown in gardens since colonial days. They bloom in early spring, providing much-needed nectar for bumblebees emerging then, and since their seeds are distributed by ants they increase and spread naturally. Over finely-cut, soft green leaves, their flowers dangle like old-fashioned Dutch pantaloons, charming all who see them. Formerly Dielytra and Corydalis, 7-10”, zones 3a-7b(8bWC), nursery-grown for us in Tennessee.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
One of our greatest treasures, this is the original, blissfully fragrant, wild white freesia that naturalizes happily in Mediterranean climates with mild, dry summers. It’s also “entirely at home in the South, returning faithfully,” says Scott Ogden in Garden Bulbs for the South, so expert gardeners may want to try it there, too. Smaller than modern forms, 6-12”, zones 8a-8a(10bWC), grown for us in California.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
Expensive but worth it, this is NOT the puny, cheap impostor you’ll get virtually everywhere else, but the authentic, deep magenta heirloom that’s winter hardy to zone 6 and multiplies happily year after year. A wild, perennial glad, it blooms with graceful, orchid-like flowers in earliest summer as it has since colonial days. Bill Welch of Texas A&M calls it “a delightful plant often found in old cottage gardens,” Christopher Lloyd planted it lavishly at Great Dixter, and our customers rave about it! Aka G. communis var. byzantinus ‘Cruentus’, 24-36”, zones 6a-9b(11bWC), from California. Learn more.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
This is the original Southern heirloom – a triploid, which gives it extra vigor – not the smaller, earlier-blooming Japanese diploid that most sources offer today. Legend has it that it was introduced into New Bern, NC, by a US Navy captain in the 1850s and spread across the country from there. With clusters of exotic, coral-red flowers, it lights up the late summer garden like fireworks, even in light shade. 18-24”, zones 7a-10b, from Arizona.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
In late summer, bare stalks rocket up out of nowhere, opening into shimmering, lavender-pink, amaryllis-like flowers. Surprise! Also known as naked ladies and resurrection lily, this Asian wildflower is “nearly ideal for the middle and upper South,” Scott Ogden writes in Garden Bulbs for the South. It blooms here in chilly zone-6 Ann Arbor, too, if you can give it a sunny site that stays relatively dry in summer – and patience as it re-establishes itself. 36”, zones 5b-8a(8bWC), from North Carolina. Learn more.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
Also called hurricane and schoolhouse lilies, these brilliant heirlooms look like short, slender, blood-red amaryllises. Extra tough, they thrive in clay or sand and often mark abandoned homesites. They were introduced from the Andes in 1807, brought to Texas by German settlers about 1865, and were offered by the Lily Nursery of Jacksonville, Florida, by 1881. Ours is the true ‘Hill Country Red’ heirloom, formerly Amaryllis advena, Habranthus hesperius, and Hippeastrum advenum, 12-18”, zones 7a-10b, from California.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
This simple but stunning wildflower that Allan Armitage calls “the epitome of woodland natives” is also a great garden plant. As far back as 1805 Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon recommended bringing it in from the woods to “grace and embellish the flower-garden,” and in 1870 William Robinson featured a full-page image of it in his ground-breaking The Wild Garden. Best in light shade and moist, humus-rich soil, 12-16”, zones 4a-7b(8bWC), dormant rhizomes, nursery-grown for us in Tennessee.
Last offered in 2024 and we're waiting for availability from our grower. If you’d like to be notified when it’s back in stock, click to sign up for an email alert.
FALL-PLANTED ARCHIVES — For customer tips and raves, the stories behind the bulbs, links and books, history, news, and more, see our Diverse Fall-Planted Newsletter Archives.
CUT FLOWERS — For tips for longer lasting bouquets with alliums, freesia, snowdrops, and more, see our Bulbs as Cut Flowers page.
TIPS FOR SUCCESS — Most of our Diverse Others are easy to grow, but their needs, of course, are diverse. To help you choose wisely for your garden, please click the “Care” link in any description.